Wolverine Guns & Tackle Store Closing Notice

It is with Sincere Regret That we inform you that the Wolverine Guns & Tackle company will be closing to retail sales permanently on September 30 2023.


    Wolverine Guns and Tackle Has been serving Yellowknife, Red Deer and Canada for over 23 Years. We are extremely proud of everything we have accomplished in these glorious years and we could not be more thankful to those who have supported us.

  • Several factors have contributed to making this decision including the high volume of shoplifting, the devastating damages due to several break and enters in the last 3 years, cyber attacks, the economy, and last but not least is the government regulations and gun bans they have put in place has really hurt our business.


    Anyone with Gift cards are urged to redeem them as soon as possible. Gift cards will not be valid after September 30th 2023. all layaway items must be paid in full by September 30th 2023. All warranty items out for repair or replacement will be forwarded to the customer from the repair center including firearms. Wolverine Guns & Tackle will make every effort to contact all customers in regards to the above.


    It has been a GREAT pleasure doing business with all of you, and the Management and Staff would like to thank all our customers both near and far for over 23 years of support. For additional information concerning this notice please feel free to call Jamie @ 403-347-0220 Ext # 4. More information to follow in the coming days.